THE sun was out and Britain's guns were certainly out, luckily I was one of the few who had two days off university at the peak of the heat wave, so I was super excited.
I got my shades on, the skirt that was shoved to the back of my wardrobe and I was off to the closest beer garden with my pals.
For some reason, none of us thought about how hot it was so my make-up had melted off within two and a half seconds of being there and most us were overdressed or sunburnt.
So, whilst the weather is not burning us out of our skin, it's probably time to prepare yourself for the gorgeous summer weather.
Don't even bother trying to squeeze into the shorts that fit you three summers ago.
It's not cute, flattering or comfortable. Go out and get some new shorts/skirts/dresses/t-shirts the Full Monty.
My absolute favourite shorts are Primark's. They're cheap and have so many different styles.
I normally get a denim pair and then a cotton pair. My reason for it is last summer I had horrendous sunburn on my belly and the denim rubbing against it nearly brought tears to my eyes.
I was also the person who tried to fit into my shorts from previous summers, so I basically had poor blood circulation from the torso downwards.
"Nah I don't need sun cream." OK BUT is this or is this not the MOST common phrase in Britain, which is closely followed by "do you have any after sun." NO SORRY I DON'T.
I am not wasting my Body Shop aloe vera gel on you.
Even if you don't get burnt it's always super good for your skin to pop on after sun, especially at night because it gives you a cooling sensation for the sweat-dripping nights that await you.
Invest in a SPF face cream to pop either on its own or under your make up because nobody wants a red peeling face.
Is there anything better, sitting in the sun with your pals, your favourite drink in one hand and a burger in the other?
At university I'm lucky to have a massive field where we can have disposable barbecues out so that was on my to do list through the April heatwave.
We thought we were super clever and had thought everything out until we forgot cutlery, sauce, a blanket, sun cream, basically everything that wasn't food or alcohol.
As you can see in the image, my friend almost looking as red as his top.
I mean, yes alcohol but no, water first! Last thing you want when you're chilling out is a pounding headache.
I had the worst headache coming back from the beach with my family one day, the sun wasn't helping me out at all and what made it worse was being in a Land Rover going over bumpy roads, not a good idea.
It's summer, avoid your stresses and concerns for a few hours or a day and get that much needed Vitamin D and meet up with your friends.
However, for now it seems like it's going to be rainy for a while.